No matter how busy we are, we always seem to make time to feed our kit house addiction. This week, the scouting produced two fun early 20th century Sears mail-order houses that hit the market for sale. One of them is a 1925 “Rodessa” in the Kent neighborhood of upper Washington DC priced at $759,000 which Marcie visited. The other — a listing from our own Evers & Co. office — is a fabulous, updated 1936s “Colchester”/”Lewiston” (pictured left) with 6 bedrooms and 3 full baths in Washington’s Silver Spring suburb, priced at $489,000. We’ll post more pictures and some exciting details later. For now, you can get some info from the linked MLS fact sheets.
The “Rodessa,” located at 5414 Hawthorne Pl NW, has an Open House from 2 – 5 pm today — you might still make it! And if you’d like to see the “Lewiston,” just let us know!
For those of you who are celebrating the Jewish New Year tonight — Shana Tovah!
Update on 9/21/2012: You can find the post on the Colchester/Lewiston here.

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